- What do you mean by an organization ? How can you classify them at macro level?
- Explain the basic principle that need to be considered during designing an organization structure.
- What do you mean by the term Organization Structure ? Compare Horizontal and Vertical type of Organization Structure.
- With the help of suitable diagram describe the roles of management at various levels.
- What is the important of requirement analysis ? Explain the tools and methods for requirement analysis.
- Explain the various functions of management.
- What is TPS? How is it used in sales and marketing management?
- What is Knowledge Management? What is the importance of knowledge management in an organization.
- What is DSS? Also, explain the different components of DSS and classification of DSS.
- Explain the working of Fuzzy logic and Fuzzy expert systems.
- What are the expert systems? Illustrate the concept with an example.
- Explain working of TPS in an organization.
- Briefly describe all six types of information system.
- Write short note on Total Cost of ownership.
- Write a short note on IRR and DCF.
- How are culture and information systems related?
- Write short note on Portfolio Management.
- Write short note of NPV.
- What is the role of IT in Risk Management of any organization?
- What is the Portfolio Management? Explain the steps for implementation of portfolio management.
- What is supply chain? What is up stream and down stream portion?
- Write short note on Distinctive ways of ERP implementation.
- What do you mean by SCM? How the concept of SCM differs from ERP?
- Write short note on CRM.
- Explain stages of business analytic s and its various types.
- Explain the difference between Knowledge and Intelligence.
- Write short note on OLAP.
- Define genetic algorithms. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of genetic algorithm in business organizations.
- Write short note on Data Mining.
- Explain the role of Business intelligence reports in the information system of an organization.
- What do you mean by knowledge? Compare and contrast Inferential Vs. Factual knowledge.
- Write short note on Cyber Crime and its type.
- Write short notes on RTI Act.
- Write short note on Business Ethics.
- Write short note on Types of computer crimes.
- What are the security threats to information system? Explain.
- Explain some of the security threats to information systems. Also, write solution of these threats.
Reference : IGNOU old Papers.
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