Sunday, 28 December 2014

Some Important Questions of MIS

  • What do you mean by an organization ? How can you classify them at macro level?
  • Explain the basic principle that need to be considered during designing an organization structure.
  • What do you mean by the term Organization Structure ? Compare Horizontal and Vertical type of Organization Structure.
  • With the help of suitable diagram describe the roles of management at various levels.
  • What is the important of requirement analysis ? Explain the tools and methods for requirement analysis.
  • Explain the various functions of management.
  • What is TPS? How is it used in sales and marketing management?
  • What is Knowledge Management? What is the importance of knowledge management in an organization.
  • What is DSS? Also, explain the different components of DSS and classification of DSS.
  • Explain the working of Fuzzy logic and Fuzzy expert systems.
  • What are the expert systems? Illustrate the concept with an example.
  • Explain working of TPS in an organization.
  • Briefly describe all six types of information system.
  • Write short note on Total Cost of ownership.
  • Write a short note on IRR and DCF.
  • How are culture and information systems related?
  • Write short note on Portfolio Management.
  • Write short note of NPV.
  • What is the role of IT in Risk Management of any organization?
  • What is the Portfolio Management? Explain the steps for implementation of portfolio management.
  • What is supply chain? What is up stream and down stream portion?
  • Write short note on Distinctive ways of ERP implementation.
  • What do you mean by SCM? How the concept of SCM differs from ERP?
  • Write short note on CRM.
  • Explain stages of business analytic s and its various types.
  • Explain the difference between Knowledge and Intelligence.
  • Write short note on OLAP.
  • Define genetic algorithms. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of genetic algorithm in business organizations.
  • Write short note on Data Mining.
  • Explain the role of Business intelligence reports in the information system of an organization.
  • What do you mean by knowledge? Compare and contrast Inferential Vs. Factual knowledge.
  • Write short note on Cyber Crime and its type.
  • Write short notes on RTI Act.
  • Write short note on Business Ethics.
  • Write short note on Types of computer crimes.
  • What are the security threats to information system? Explain.
  • Explain some of the security threats to information systems. Also, write solution of these threats. 

Reference : IGNOU old Papers.

Tuesday, 16 September 2014

Facebok Ads API


The Open Graph presents a simple, consistent view of the Facebook social graph, uniformly representing objects in the graph and the connections between them. The Action Spec is a comprehensive and precise query language within the API that provides you with access to the Open Graph. The Action Spec enables you to specify the sub-graph of interest for the purpose of running and measuring marketing activities on Facebook. You can specify the action type and properties of the object of interest using selectors. In essence, selectors are the building blocks of an Action Spec query. You can apply these to a number of marketing apps such as:

-> Targeting your ads - filter you want to reach.

-> Measuring your ad performance - see what actions people perform beacuse of your ad.

Object Structure :

Facebook's campaign structure is designed to make it easier for businesses to organize, optimize and measure the performance of their ads. This structure has 3 public facing levels: campaign, ad set and ad. In the API, there is a fourth level available for developers, called the creative.

1. Campaign : it contains the information about your advertising objective and that campaign will consist of one or more ad sets. This will help you optimize and measure your results for each advertising objective.


2. Ad set :  will have one or more ads and you'll continue to define the budget and schedule for each ad set. You can create an ad set for each of your audience segments by making the ads within the ad set target the same audience. This will help you control the amount you spend on each audience, decide when each audience will see your ads, and see metrics specific to each audience.

3. Ad : It live within ad sets. Ads contain the design of the ad, your target audience, and your bid. Creating multiple ads in each ad set will let us optimize their delivery based on variations in images, links, video, text or placements.

4. Creative : contain just the visual elements of the ad and once created, are immutable. Each ad account has a creative library to store creatives for reuse in ads.

with using an Ad you can bid yor business.  

How Ad API Works :

- Build a Facebook page.
- Connect to your fans with ads.
- Engage your fans with great content.
- Influence the friends of your fans.

referencs :